Japanese women’s No.1 concern in winter – What is “Hiesho”?

Did you know that one of the top health issues that Japanese women are concerned about is feeling of being cold? The symptom is called “Hi-e-sho (冷え性)” or sensitivity to cold. Hiesho women tend to feel cold, especially in the tips of their hands and feet. I myself have often felt “Hie Sho”.

Onkatsu(温活) market

According to this article by PR TIMES, research shows that the no.1 health related concern that Japanese working women have during winter months is “Hiesho or feeling cold” followed by “Dry skin”. And it shows that a lot of respondents were interested in “Onkatsu(温活)”; activities to warm up their bodies.

オーガニックコットン腹巻 腹巻き マタニティ メンズ レディース 冷えとり 大きいサイズ 薄手 おしゃれ 日本製 :og-h01:sowan - 通販  - Yahoo!ショッピング
Cited from Yahoo

The research also helps us understand what Japanese women are doing to prevent themselves from feeling cold. “Taking a hot bath” ranked no.1 followed by “Drinking something warm”, “Wearing socks or Haramaki” (see image) and “Eating something warm.”

楽天市場】シルク100% 5本指 靴下 重ね履き ソックス 4足組 S・L (コットン シルク 綿 レディース おやすみ靴下 冷えとり 冷え性 重ね履き靴下  5本指ソックス くつした 夜用ソックス):すててこねっと
Cited from Rakuten shopping site

Naturally, there are many goods and items sold targeted at treating Hiesho women in the Japanese market. Some of these include 4-5 layered socks (I own a pair). My Hiesho friend gave a pair to me and I am quite fond of them now, as I live in Portland where winter weather gets pretty chilly (for Hiesho women like me).

Another Onkatsu example could be having a bowl of warm soup – the article titled “10 soup recipes perfect for Onkatsu” on the4MEEE site shares a variety of soup recipes supposed to be perfect for Onkatsu.

Unique to Japanese women?

I’ve tried to explain “Hiesho” to my American friends and only then realized there was no such concept in one word in English, which I found interesting.

Is Hiesho unique to Japanese women? I can only say that Hiesho has definitely been a common trouble that has afflicted many Japanese women. Whenever I talk to my female Japanese friends, we usually have a shared feeling of “I struggle with bad HieSho. You, too? It’s not fun, isn’t?” during winter season.

Yoga trend in the Japanese market

According to MarkeZine, a web magazine specialized in marketing in Japan, Yoga, jogging and walking (ヨガ・ジョギング・ウォーキング) ranked No. 1 in the category of hobbies that Japanese women in their 20s to 40s are interested in trying. This is based on the survey conducted between Oct 5th to 7th, 2020 by Trenders, a company based in Tokyo focused on marketing business.

In this research, respondents were also asked about influence that covid-19 had on what they do for fun or hobbies. It indicated that women are more and more interested in hobbies they can enjoy inside their home (above 30%).

Last week, I talked to some of my Japanese friends who have toddlers or kids in elementary schools. They were all saying “I should exercise!” This is just one of the reflections of the Japanese society right now amid covid-19 crisis and trend towards yoga or exercising inside home among women in Japan.

Quality >Quantity of Practice

In the video with which I used today to practice my interpretation, Angela talks about time you spend on deliberate practice. She suggests that world-class athletes would spend 4 hours per day at maximum, thus appropriate amount of time for kids to do deliberate practice would be a lot shorter.

Overall, quality matters first and then we can think about quantity.

This made me think about my interpretation practice – it has become sort of routine for me to do an interpretation practice, but am I doing it truly mindfully, appropriately and with a carefully-planned way?

Book Review(『An elephant that fulfills your dreams – Black Ganesha’s teaching』)

夢をかなえるゾウ3 文庫版 | 水野敬也 |本 | 通販 | Amazon

『夢をかなえるゾウ 3 ブラックガネーシャの教え』

2015年あたりに読んだ『夢をかなえるゾウ1』。その内容を読み直してから、今度はKindleで徒然なるままにこの本『夢をかなえるゾウ3 ブラックガネーシャの教え』を読んだ。





やはり、自己啓発的な内容をフィクションのストーリーと化している点がすばらしい。多くの自己啓発本は、「インスピレーションを得るには、こうするのがオススメ」というような各要素が別個に書かれている(1.朝早く起きる 2.笑顔でいる…など)のに対し、この本はストーリー仕立てなので、一本の線が通ったように気持ちよく読み進められる。



My Favorite Morning Yoga Video

Yoga with Adriene のこの朝用ヨガビデオは、もうたぶん百?千回?くらいリピートしています♡

Adriene がビデオの中で次に言う言葉もわかってしまうくらい。


タイトルにあるように Energizing(元気が出る)で、きつすぎない身体が喜ぶヨガ。

GRIT – Angela Duckworth

Angela Duckworth: “Grit: The Power of Passion and Perseverance” | Talks at Google

In the middle of the talk at Google, Angela Duckworth touched upon “relationship between cultural identity and GRIT”, which was very insightful. She brought attention to Finland as a national example of showing that relationship.

She said that there is a word called “Sisu” in Finnish that generally translates to “GRIT” but literally means humans’ internal “gut”. When Finns work on something challenging but they fall short, they reach their “Sisu” and do it anyway.

This totally makes sense to me that if you are raised with that kind of mentality that is woven in your culture, you would be on your way to be gritter as you grow up.

Challenge of not getting bored

Today I practiced interpretation using this video.

The speaker is a Japanese comedian / picture book writer and he runs a big community called “ONLINE SALON (Japanglish)” where more than 40,000 members enjoy contents and messages he delivers.

In my interpretation practice today, I simply listened to this video and did consecutive interpretation – some words were hard to come up in English:


→ It also serves my own purpose of self-discipline


→ we now encounter less and less resilience against cloudfunding


→ as cloudfunding becomes common


→after-school day care in Fukuoka city


→ earn immense amount of money

One point he mentioned was particularly interesting to me was that we’re now in the era of community / group rather than the era of individual as anybody can post online.

Giving to Receive

Yoga with Adriene のヨガチャンネルのオススメ度 ★★★★★

私が Yoga with Adriene の YouTube チャンネルを見ながら、頻繁にヨガをするようになったのは、たしか2014年~2015年くらいのこと。ヨガ教室に足を運びつつも、ほぼ毎日、Adriene のビデオを見ながらヨガをしていた。

「Put your smiles in(笑顔になって)」とか「Be responsible for your happiness(自分が幸せになるための責任をとろう)」といった心が明るくなるような言葉を、あくまで軽いタッチで入れてくるところがとても好き♡ 今でも私が一番好きなヨガチャンネルだ。

そんな Adriene のスピーチビデオを今日発見したので、拝聴した。YouTube を始めた経緯(最初のビデオをアップロードしたのは2012年だそう)など興味深かった。始めた当初のミッション「Provide as much free high-quality Yoga to as many people as possible」は今も変わっていないそうだ。

最初はビジネスになるとは思っていなかったそう。当時は、ヨガビデオを一部見たら、別のプラットフォームに移ってしまうのが一般的。そこで、Adriene とビジネスパートナーの Chris さんは「Let’s simply give it all away for free and see what happens (すべて無料で提供して、どうなるかやってみよう)」と実験するような気持ちで始めたそうだ。

毎週ビデオを出し続ける (Consistency) ことや、使う言葉に気を付ける (Being conscious about language) など、参考になるポイントがいくつもあった。この「使う言葉に気を付ける」というのは、聞いた人がインスピレーションを受けられるような言葉を使うこと、そして、後で(オンライン等の)コミュニティなどで話されるときにも Adriene が使った言葉が使われることを意識して言葉を選ぶということ。冒頭で言ったように、私が「(Adrieneは)心が明るくなるような言葉」を使う」と感じていた裏には、彼女(とそのチーム)の意識が働いていたのか~♪ と思わず納得してしまった。

『思い出のマーニー / When Marnie was there』を観て







